Friday, September 22, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run You think you want your home to be your castle so you can live happily ever after. You now know enough about Feng Shui and the Celestial Animals to realize that living in the middle of water like this is going to affect you. Everything will be damp and dank, moldy and stinky. Yes, there is lots of Golden Cicada's Earth in all those bricks but there is not enough to dam the water that swamps life here. There is no Green Dragon Wood to drink the water. The Red Phoenix Fire of the red pointy gables and the White Tiger Metal capital on that hexagonal tower are not enough to balance the extreme Black Tortoise Water that overwhelms life here. This isn't a fairy tale to live in; it's a nightmare. Overlay the Bagua energy map and see the Wealth gua is the flooded courtyard, drowning the Dragon. Use the knowledge you have gained from this blog to live a fairy tale life somewhere that is high and dry, with balance among the five elements and happy Celestial Animals.

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. This is my last Feng Shui Fun On The Run blog post. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in luck. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #castleamidwater #CelestialAnimals #drowneddragon #thisisnothankyou #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run When a city invests in scooters as a form a public transportation, the people will use them. Their maneuverability puts them on par with a motorcycle, but their size and speed limitations keep them just a step up from pedestrians. I really wanted to try one but was concerned that in my learning I might get hurt, and I had places to be, things to do. But man…they sure looked fun to ride. All the people that were riding them, youngsters, 20 and 30 and 40 and 50 somethings, and oldsters - they were all having a blast. Big grins and easy going. This is Austin, Texas. Lime green scooters all 'round! It sets the energy of the city to young and vibrant. What a refreshing energy boost. Old traditional towns that are not attracting the young should consider these as something to revitalize their town's Feng Shui.

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 1 more post. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in luck. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #scooters #publictransportation #zippyzoom #skateboardswithhandlesandmotor #funtorun #youngcityenergy #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Vun


When you intentionally include items in your environment that have meaning or that make a statement, even if folks don't know what the symbol means, their brain stem knows and responds. You many not know what message trees atop a building sends about your penthouse, but you would like to live there. You may not know what message a life-size bronze lion outside a jazz club sends to the music lover patrons, and they might not know either. But they will know it is cool and anchor their connection to the place with the big metal statue. You may not have any idea what the image is on the carpet just inside this hotel's door. When asked, most folks said, and I kid you not, "Harry Potter?" Symbolism and your understanding of its meanings, especially in regard to your own life, is what defines the magic in your life. It sets the frequency for your Feng Shui, and it elevates your intuition skills to the highest standards.

Watch for my upcoming class, Glamour: A World Problem. This training will elevate your intuitive knowing and your spiritual connection to the world you live in, allowing you to help the folks lost in the illusion, and make a difference in the world. Coming soon!

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 2 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in luck. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #makingstatements #definingenergy #meaningmatters #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


Even the most minimal greenery around a place softens the racing chi on wide roads. Would you go for the gray on gray or the earth tones with live oak trees? Guess which one is more expensive. You will pay for a high quality of living, but you will also pay for the lower quality. Both of these places are rife with movement, noise, and mass. One is dead. Cheap is not always a good choice.

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 3 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in luck. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #lookslikeaprison #feelslikeaprison #cheapfasthousing #itisyourLIFE #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Monday, September 18, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run Corners create poison arrows whether they stick out or cave in. To cure the sharp expression of energy that comes from the sharp edge(s), use color and shapes. The peace symbol in liquid splotches melts down the wall, dissolving the poison arrow right at eye level to people walking into this deli. The prism of bright colors flanked by the muddy colors forces the eye to follow the upward point of the central field of frequency. Color is not only pretty, it's interesting, AND it's ART!

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 4 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in luck. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #poisonarrows #publicspaces #powerofcolor #liquidcoolsfire #energyfollowsthought #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run While this is a hard won solution for someone who insists on having a washer, the use of the toilet beneath the weight and size of the appliance puts anyone on the toilet "Beneath the Tiger's Jaw." The weight overhead is real. The thought of being crushed by this "tiger" with your pants down is enough to make you think twice about how bad you have to go. Eventually, nature will win out and this person must submit to the threat. At the very least, Feng Shui principles could soothe some of that threat. Not all, not even much of that threat, but some. Hang a shower curtain over the washer on a tension rod, so it can be moved aside to allow clothes in and out of the machine. Choose a print that lifts energies up and doesn't weigh down. Even a roll down window shade would help keep this oppressive weight out of sight and out of mind.

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 11 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

There will be no more Feng Shui Fun On The Run posts to social media until next Monday as I am leaving town.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in look. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #washerovertoilet #BeneaththeTigersJaw #weightoverhead #cure #liftweight #hide #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Monday, September 11, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run Avoid including the shape of a tombstone in your environment. Avoid seeing a tombstone shape as you go home or to work too. If you cannot choose to live "tombstone free" then add the Fire element to restore the active life force. If you have a building to pass, add a star crystal to your rear view mirror (, or a tiny chime ( Interestingly, you'll find that the chime rarely rings. When it does, and you recognize it, pay attention. Sound lifts energies, just as Fire does.
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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 12 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.
If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in look. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run You are the one who creates your day, your environment, and your life. You know that what you choose to wear affects you. Sweats versus business attire, shabby versus sharp - everything has frequencies and you and your body respond to them. This little house, whitewashed and blank, transforms into a loved and appreciated home. From the colorful cobblestones to the sapphire blue columns and shutters flanking the door and windows, this place transformed from a silent sentry to a song of life. Imagine coming home to each one of them, then reconsider your own front door. Life IS what you make it, so make it welcoming, make it cute, and make it so full of love that it overflows into the world around you.

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 12 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in look. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #youcreateyourlife #welcome #cuteness #love #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run Shadows matter. Be aware of shadows cast onto your environment. Study what casts those shadows. Study where they land. Study when they happen. The Sun moves at different angles through the sky during the changing seasons, so sometimes the shadowfall will be different. This shadowfall looks like a king looking at a smoking volcano. I have encountered giant guillotine blades cutting across the front face of a business but that only happened in Winter. Cure concerning shadows using the poison arrow resolution of things pointing back at them. When choosing, identify a logical element that will finesse the power of the shadow. To finesse the king and the volcano, use an ace in the form of a single blue element, trumping the king and cooling the fire. Remember to use the Three Secrets Reinforcement when you implement the cure.

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 13 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in look. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #shadowfall #seasonalshiftsofSun #finesse #curewithmeaning #ThreeSecretsReinforcement #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

Friday, September 8, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run The shape of any space affects the people who spend time within its perimeter. The number of poison arrows matter. The subjective positioning of furniture to face away from the door matters. The distance between people sitting in the space matters. The lack of cohesion matters. The energy that runs through the space, whether left to right or front to back or kitchen to hall or whatever, matters. This room is as cozy as a vast hotel lobby. Most everything in it is the color of death. The chi here is so fractious that it is hard to even imagine projecting your body standing in the space, much less sitting. This is glamour, not good Feng Shui.

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This blog is now on the countdown to closure. There will be only 16 more posts. These last lessons will be ones to go on, ones to grow on. It has been an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of the philosophies of Feng Shui with you.

If you wish you had saved all the blog posts, you are in look. They are all published and available on my website at And I have about 5 more books yet to publish so there will be more books published in the future!

#fengshui #angularspaces #perimeterperils #oddlyshapedrooms #poisonarrows #distancebetweenseats #lackofcohesion #energyraces #colorofdeath #colddecor #fractiouschi #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel