Thursday, April 17, 2014

Are You Ready to Do Something Different?

Are you living the same old stuff every day and wishing someone would save you? The bad news/good news is that YOU are creating every day of your life. WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF YOU START CREATING GREAT DAYS AND NIGHTS? You can - just as soon as you make up your mind.

It's not easy, but you can do it. Faster than you ever imagined and easier than you ever thought possible. This is not to say it will be easy - it won't. But don't worry. I'll show you how. I'll even walk with you as you get used to it. So will some new friends. Enjoy the difference support and encouragement make when you decide to create a new you. Changes begin with the FIRST session. Nothing will ever be the same.

This is an online gathering, Tuesday nights from 7:30 to 9pm Central time. $60 per month for about 6 months. New group beginning in May. Have you made up your mind yet? Are you done with what you've got and ready to do something different? Join us for The Art of Living Your Life and learn how to create the life of your dreams - right here and right now.

One of the newest graduates just wrote me this note today: "The empowerment of Living Your Life made it possible for me to see what needed to be done. Forever grateful for the wisdom." Now how cool is that?

For more testimonials, check out this webpage:

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