Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Now is the Time to Plant the Seeds for Your Dreams!

My March newsletter has some great information about manifesting your dreams this year, cool ways to color your Easter eggs using stuff you have in your kitchen, and an offer of free goodies just for visiting my website to eRSVP to Lucia's Garden's special Sunday, April 22 Celebrate the Heavens and Earth Day! Check it out by clicking the title of this article.

If you'd like a copy of my book, Feng Shui & Moon Magic, let me know and I'll make sure to have one for you that day. Preorders are adding up so let me know if you want more than one. Just drop me an email to! Everyone is excited about Feng Shui & Moon Magic's unique blend of ancient Druidic teachings with the Celtic Tree Calendar blended with the energies of the year and enhanced through feng shui tips. These books are selling fast as I can get them out there, but they are also available online here at

If you'd like to preview the book, there's a free introductory chapter in the archives of this blog. Just click here to check it out!

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