Friday, February 21, 2014

Your Magic is YOU: Your Spirit, Your Soul & Your Love. SHARE It!

Here's what Teri and I talked about on her radio show last night: Your magic is what is most special about you: your smile, your light, and your will to make things happen.
I'm speaking up and teaching about magic to help everyone get OVER thinking magic is bad. For heaven's sake, that's like saying sprinkles on cupcakes are bad. Your magic IS you - your spirit, your soul and your love. SHARE it! Let it sparkle. For more information on how, visit
In case you missed the show last night, here is a link to the show archives:

Teri Van Horn is setting up this program to be the FEATURED show for Healing Light! I am honored and look forward to visiting with Teri again in May.
For more information on Teri, check out her website ( ) and her author page (

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