Friday, September 5, 2014

Been Wanting to Experiment with Feng Shui Yourself?

You are invited to join me, Trisha Keel, PhD, author of Feng Shui FUN: Using Margarita Research to Create Yummy Spaces in the playful learning experiences of a Feng Shui FUN Day event. You will learn through light-hearted merriment and silly song how to use the infinite overlays of the Bagua energy map. You will also learn to trust your own sensibilities to create spaces which are comfortable and supportive for YOU. Walk through the entire process of environmental energy mastery and leave with your own customized Feng Shui Priorities & Master Plan. There is a special pre-event reception the night before, September 26th, for 35 people to sit down and solve their #1 Feng Shui Challenge. Space is limited! Click here to register:

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