Thursday, April 28, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Career gua kitchens will resonate with the Water frequency of Black Tortoise though various means: color, shape, subject of art, and reflectivity. The choice of the island and jugs flows chi more than an earthy kitchen table and chairs.

Consider the size of your work triangle when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #CareerGuaKitchen, #Water #color #shape #artsubject #reflectivity #Metal #island #TrishaKeel


The next Feng Shui Workshop: Kitchens will be presented live and online via Zoom on Sunday May 8th, 1:30-3PM Central. Tuition: $30/includes PDFs of materials and Bonus Goodies, as well as a video of the workshop. Register at

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