Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The coffee tabletop that has lifts to become a TV tray is a great support for those addicted to the television screen. The television has become the primary nurturer to this person, feeding them information rather than food, amusing them, or keeping them mindlessly occupied. They are NOT prioritizing themselves or any other person in their lives. These people are gone without ever leaving the building. When they live alone, that will not change. There is no one that wants a significant other this locked into their programming.

Learn how to create eating areas that are supportive to all areas of your life, as eating should be, when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at #fengshui #eatingareas #liftingcoffeetabletop #prioritiesdefined #getalife #stepawayfromthetelevision #TrishaKeel


Ever eat out? The environments you select for your meals affect you. If you want to know how to select eating areas that support you, your health and well-being, this workshop is for YOU! The November Feng Shui Continuing Education Workshop on Eating Areas will be presented on Sunday, November 13th, live and online via Zoom, 1:30-3PM Central. Tuition: $30/includes PDFs of materials and Bonus Goodies, as well as the video of the workshop. Register today at

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