Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

If your key sticks or turns endlessly in the lock of your front door, your experiences are mirroring those difficulties in the flow of chi into and through your life and affairs. Ultimately, your self-confidence will be undermined unless you take control and fix the situation. Doing nothing feeds self-doubt. Learn more when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. Once you recognize your front door lock needs attention, how long it takes you to tend to it is an indication of how long you take to attend to yourself. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #keysticks #lockedout #chiflowchoked #restoretheflow #takecareofyourself #TrishaKeel

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