Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When there are abstract images that inspire thoughts of possibilities, the spirit is inviting the mind to wonder. The process of wonder forces the prefrontal cortex to find solutions, or create them, as needed. Without the self-confidence to imagine outside of current experience, life is limited to only what is seen. Learn to consider living with images that inspire wonder when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When there is wonder, there is an active element to the imagination that exceeds the limits of the known. This flow of inspiration feeds self-confidence. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #abstractimages #wonder #possibilities #imagination #TrishaKeel

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