Monday, March 13, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


When you have more books than will fit in your bookshelves, it is time to release some of ones you have not opened in years and that are willing to share with others. Every book wants to be read, not just stacked in a pile. When your space is full, whether bookshelves, closet, or garage, you have enough to share. Until you release the overload, your chi will stagnate as it has nowhere to bring in fresh new stuff. Learn how to release in your mind so you can acquire some clear open space in your environment when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


#fengshui #herpersonallibrary #overloaded #paddedchairisapoortable #toomuchofagoodthing #blockedart #cantbreathe #proximitytoexteriordoor #TrishaKeel

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