Monday, March 6, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


The poison arrow from a protruding corner will be doubled by its reflection. This Feng Shui challenge can be cured by redirecting its stabbing energy with the use of the Green Dragon's upward lifting energy of plants. The little palm plants between the cutting edge and the tub are big oxygen producers. The metal tree cutouts create a sort of false wall without crowding the room by making it smaller. Painting them varying degrees of black fades them into the distance, matching the trees out the window. Learn about the life-threatening dangers in this bathroom when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


#fengshui #protrudingcorner #poisonarrow #cornercures #pressurebeneathslope #fireburnsupward #plantsgrowupward #crazystagingdesigner #TrishaKeel

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