Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Everything you need to know about this Mercury Retrograde

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Here is your heads-up for the planet Mercury's moving into retrograde. Its wobble starts today, February 13, 2013. February 23 and March 17 are the beginning and end dates, or when Mercury seems to be stationary. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING on those days. Bite your tongue on those days and LISTEN instead of arguing. Outside of those dates, the hijinks are apparent if you know what you're looking for. Watch them and smile. It disarms the energies for you to take them lightly. During the retrograde itself, use the time to review, research, or rethink. Have a Plan B for everything. Read the fine print - twice! Stay detached and wait for the energy to resettle after March 27th. This too shall pass. Then we're clear till June and July.

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