Wednesday, July 9, 2014

GROWN-UP PLAY DAY: Mandala Matinee Painting Party

In honor of HH's birthday, I join me for a Mandala Matinee! 

Ready to recharge after a wild week at work? How about an afternoon of art? Join me for a MANDALA MATINEE, Saturday July 12 (Full Moon in Capricorn) or Saturday July 26 (New Moon in Leo/Holly Moon begins)! 

All art is created to be infused with the power of your guiding Lights, angels, ancestors, or Spirit. The one shown here is of the four archangels and all of creation that they manage.

There will be a loosely shared overview of the meaning and symbolism of shapes, colors, and patterns to enhance the energies of your art. Extra materials will be available to work into the canvas, should you enjoy the steampunk art form.

You will be using master shapes I provide to trace the shape you want to paint in acrylics on canvas or, if you prefer for greater accuracy, in colored pencil on art paper. Just choose your colors, meaning, and intend your art to host it your thoughts. And SO IT IS. Either art form is suitable for framing. Great gift, but even better to have to empower your own space! All materials are included. Additional canvases available at additional charge.

Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $35 (Payable via PayPal or in person)

Only 6 spots available. Tea and tasty snacks will be served. Join us for an afternoon of conversation and creating! Reserve your spot today: 713-952-5429 or email me at

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