Monday, October 6, 2014

Practical Magic Mini-Workshop: HARMONY MAGIC!

TIRED OF TRY, TRY, TRYING AGAIN? Your primary problem is simply being out of harmony with the life you dream of living. Rediscover how to harmonically align yourself and turn from frustration back to your natural state of well-being.

Sweeten the song of your days with Harmony Magic, and learn how to:
> Re-establish harmony in your relationships
> Re-align with your own harmonic schedule
> Add to the layers of harmony in your home
> Align your energies with what you DO want, thus attract it to you
> Restore harmonic balance to your beliefs
> Rewrite your future to harmonize with your dreams
> Get in the sweet spot of harmonic support for yourself
> Quiet the raucous discord that rampages through your days without your permission
> Harmonize with others of like mind to sing stronger than you can as a single voice

Join us for an intimate discussion of how you disempower yourself when you are out of harmonic alignment, and learn how to tap back into your own Harmony Magic. Register online at (scroll way down and look for the Add To Cart button on the left).

Time:   1:30-3:00 pm
Date:   Sunday, October 12th
Place:  Lucia's Garden, 2360 West Alabama - East of Whole Foods on Kirby
Fee:    Only $20

P.S. If you don't live harmonically with those in your home, you can still sing your own song. Restore your joyful noise with Harmony Magic!

P.P.S. If you have been wanting to attend one of my mini-workshops and see for yourself what all the fun is about, time is running out. There will be only one presentation of this event. My workshops at Lucia's end this December. Seating is extremely limited. These last workshops are selling out. First come-first served. Register now for Harmony Magic at

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