Thursday, February 17, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

To the brain, many long vertical lines across the vision line up like jail cell bars. The window in the door, the door's slats, the big window center post, and the ridges in all the paneling align with the gutter. Is this person locked up or out?

Consider how a piecemeal entry affects entering chi when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #slitsandslats #bitsandpieces #jailbars #nodoorknob #tinygroundlights #misalignedentrypath #mosspatches #TrishaKeel

Continuing Education Feng Shui Workshop: Front Doors - Sunday, March 13th, live online via Zoom. I doubled my income in less than 6 weeks with this information. Then doubled that again. You can too! Register today at

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