Friday, July 1, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run In a home with no structured foyer, use the furnishings to channel the chi into the landing space before it rushes through the house. Avoid having the main seating zone present its back to the door. The rug is great; turn the sofa.

Consider how to move chi without blocking it when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #noactualfoyer #stagingalandingspace #channelchi #TrishaKeel


The July Feng Shui Continuing Education Workshop will focus on Foyers, and how to intentionally welcome in chi, opportunity, and prosperity, whether or not you actually have a foyer at your home. Presented live and online via Zoom, Sunday, July 10th, 1:30-3PM Central. Tuition: $30/includes PDFs of materials and video of the workshop for later review. Register today at

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