Sunday, April 16, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


There are a couple of saving graces to this spiral staircase: 1) RISERS! and 2) trapezoidal treads instead of triangular pie wedges. The color of the treads make them look like they are glass, however. That would be a very dangerous surface for stairs of any sort. The handrail/slot thing provides nothing to hang onto, nor does the edge of the outer shell. Anyone walking nearby had better be paying attention and not face-planted on their phone or they will have a nasty bump on their forehead. In good Feng Shui, safety is first, then cool designs. Consider how such a staircase could affect the guas in your environment when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


#fengshui #spiralstaircase #risers #treads #slipperysurfaces #safetyfirst #cleanyourclock #TrishaKeel

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