Thursday, April 27, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


While this is a nice spot for cat napping, it is not supportive of people who really read. There is nothing to lean against while you are reading and the body will tire of sitting on the edge of the cushion with no support. There is no reading light. The side table requires the person to sit with their back to the view. While this spot is cozy, it appears to be more for pets than people. If this were a guest room, some way to cover the windows at night would be needed or this person would be forced to rise with the Sun. There is so much Red Phoenix Fire here that the Green Dragon is cooked! Consider how to restore the energy balance when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


#fengshui #notareadingspot #catnapzone #supportmissing #decoratordoesntread #CelestialAnimals #TrishaKeel

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