Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


FengShuiFunOnTheRun.com: If you have to have a skylight, the best place to have it is the Career/Life Path gua at the front center part of your space. This allows increased entry of chi, beyond doors and windows, and so expands the energy available to dedicate to expanding and enriching opportunities in life.

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Subscriptions to this blog are now closed. Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed them and supported my efforts for so many years. I will continue presenting these Feng Shui mini-lessons for current subscribers until Mabon; the Autumn Equinox of September 23rd. Look for my books of these Feng Shui mini-lessons on my website at bit.ly/TKBooksCalendars - And look for my exciting and uplifting new Tomorrow's Key Coaching posts to come!

#fengshui #skylight #Career #LifePath #opportunities #increasedchiflow #enrichopportunities #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel

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