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Sunday, December 11, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The thing about mobile devices is that folks haven't been reminded that cell phone conversations need to be taken away from the folks you're with. Don't take a call on a date, in a meeting (even on Zoom), or in the toilet. You are responsible for the sounds your phone makes just like you're responsible for picking up after your dog. Today's Feng Shui Workshop provides a step-by-step procedure for corralling cell phones in your Family Room so you can focus on people who are present. Set boundaries that will be appreciated by all your family and friends as they learn how to control their devices, rather than being controlled by them.

TODAY, 1:30-3PM Central, live and online via Zoom. Tuition: $30/includes PDFs of materials and Bonus Goodies on Birth Order and Sibling Relationships to help you understand and support yourself and your friends and family, as well as a video recording of the workshop. Register now at


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