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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Double front doors open wide to welcome incoming chi and opportunities. A mirror in the foyer doubles that chi as it enters. The bright front window adds light that extends the flow as far as it reaches. All flow is open and easy. Discover how you can sweeten your own space with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons when you subscribe at 

#fengshui #doubledoors #mirrorinfoyer #brightwindow #openeasy #TrishaKeel

Monday, April 29, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Whenever a place attracts bees, termites, or vermin there is a stagnation situation that must be addressed. Beyond their removal and the structural repair, look to the source gua for how it affects them and how to cure the problem. Learn to keep your home's energies fresh and vibrant with daily Feng shui mini-lessons when you subscribe - 

#fengshui #infestation #stagnation #TrishaKeel

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Those who choose a location at which the entering chi hits a wall, is forced to turn, and then turn again in order to bring in its support, live a life that is harder than it has to be. They chose this set up and keep it as it is. Know what you're stepping into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #deadend #nogo #hardlife #detour #TrishaKeel

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Support beams in small spaces use their poison arrows to separate functions without solid walls. The dining area is beyond the post. The stickers call attention to the column, holding the chi back with each tiny attention getter. Discover other ways to cure energy challenges with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. Subscribe today at 

#fengshui #poisonarrows #cureacolumn #energycrunch #TrishaKeel

Friday, April 26, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The bedroom should be set up to facilitate the pooling of chi. As the energy settles and fills the space, the fullness of serenity and safety are what engender sleep. All movement, all noise, all incoming energy flow should cease. Learn to sweeten your own energies with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #bedroom #skylight #TrishaKeel

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Where attention flows energy goes. The mind looks for the greatest distance view, follows the road, hits the tree, and bounces up. Seeing the ridge, it falls into the sunlit valley, then into the shadowed valley to the house there. Learn to choose places with the richest chi flow with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #chiflow #sleepingdragon #richchoices #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When you encounter a place that greets you with a poison arrow, chaotic convergences of architecture, and a hidden door, simply stop in your tracks. As without, so within. Look down, then slowly up, reading the energy signatures. Know what you're stepping into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #poisonarrowentry #chaoticcorners #hiddendoor #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When the garage is in the front and center position of a home, then the coming and/or going takes precedence over the being here. The car has first priority. These cars live in the mouth of this house. Open wide, honey, I'm home! Discover what you have set up for yourself and make it better with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #garagefirst #cominggoing #priority #TrishaKeel

Monday, April 22, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Regardless of why this door stands on this stair, it is an fascinating dramatization of the constriction of chi flow. The space to get by is available, but your attention goes to the block. It is much more interesting than the gap. Learn to see how chi flows - or doesn't - with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #chiflow #attention #TrishaKeel

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

There are some creative options for those who wish to transform the energy of a space from what it is to what it could be. These inexpensive "room rolls" can instantly change a solid wall to a tropical beach. Time to do some Margarita research! Explore possibilities for sweetening your own space with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #transform #beachscene #easycheap #margaritaresearch #trishakeel

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When your attention is drawn to a structure because of the pristine shine of its windows, your awareness will resonate with the Vision of Red Phoenix. Now notice what is seen and unseen. Then see where there is no reflection. Know what you're stepping into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #shinywindows #noreflection #vision #trishakeel