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Friday, May 31, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

One of a matching pair of 30" tall guardian statues in a high end condominium tower. Highly reflective, edgy, and leading with a right shoulder while swishing a skirt… the message is clear: only powerful people of influence here. Know what you're walking into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #guardians #meaning #chipontheshoulder #nothingsayswelcomelikeicyhauteur #TrishaKeel

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When houses have faces, the energy of their environment resonates with the emotional frequency of their expression. Once a face is seen, it cannot be unseen. Once the frequency is recognized, it rings like an unforgettable bell. Learn to temper the frequency of your house with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #houseface #smilingthroughgrittedteeth #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The legend of Sleeping Beauty has vines growing over a kingdom, awaiting the prince to come and awaken Aurora. He must hack his way through thorny overgrowth to get in, as this sleepy person will remember when they stub their toes! Discover ways to enhance the energy in your home with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #bathroomsafety #thatsgonnaleaveamark #kindacreepybutpretty #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The path that connects the world to the door reveals a lot about what will be found within. This walkway is made of sandstone fragments, pieced together between bricks. Carelessly assembled, aging, and uneven. Don't visit in heels. Know what you're walking into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #frontwalkway #uneven #wideornot #TrishaKeel

Monday, May 27, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The Green Dragon porch has a body of winding wood floors and overhead ceilings that undulates across the face of the building. Rounded columns ensure the smooth chi flow. Black rattan furniture invites curling up and staying a while. Discover ways to sweeten the chi at your place with daily Feng Shui mini lessons. 

#fengshui #GreenDragonporch #undulatingflow #whereyouwanttobe #TrishaKeel

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Second stories stack over the first floor for Bagua layout, level 1. Then, upon stepping off the top stair, the second floor Bagua lays out according to the direction from which the energy enters that level. Both influence the chi. Know what you're stepping into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #blueprint #twostorybagua #lookcarefully #TrishaKeel

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Excellent energy management for this hotel! The medallion is an eye-stopper, anchoring energy and preventing the cascade down the stairs. The center banister further stays the pour. Those below look up to the beautiful painting. Transfer what you learn in other places to support yourself in your own place with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #hoteldesign #stairs #landing #lift #stopthepour #TrishaKeel

Friday, May 24, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

This gourmet bakery sculpts cakes for special events. This company of folks does not, however, have time to tend to the filth at their front door. As without, so within. Their low standards of cleanliness are a silent warning. Know what you're walking into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #filthyfrontdoor #noexcuse #donteathere #TrishaKeel

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When there are elements in the front of a place that block the view and incoming chi from entering the property, there is less energy in life to work with. A mirrored sphere will attract attention, then reflect it - and money - away. Learn ways to let in more energy, money, and support at your own home with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #homefront #blockincomingenergy #dontlookatme #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The White Tiger's energy oversees graveyards. Here matter dis-integrates back to its source. Ashes returns to ashes and dust to dust. The energy moves down and in. Look for Metal and Earth to be the primary elements of this place. Know what you're stepping into wherever you go with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #graveyard #cemetery #WhiteTiger #endings #ashestoashes #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The structure of crystals is such that they slow down racing energy, speed up lagging energy, lifts heavy energy, and grounds flighty energy. These chandeliers crystalize the energy flow, stopping the attentions' race for the door. Discover new ways to shift the energy in your space to be more supportive with daily Feng Shui mini-lessons. 

#fengshui #longhall #racingchi #crystalcures #TrishaKeel