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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


When you have lost your self-confidence, you begin to feel invisible, tired, and pitiful. When you invite a new point of view in a makeover experience, you will be shocked to see yourself through their eyes. This woman is stunned to see her new image…and she is stunning. Learn to make a big difference in your own life when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you look in the mirror and don't recognize the person reflected there, it is time to so something different. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #lost #invisible #tired #pitiful #newpointofview #makeover #TrishaKeel

Monday, January 30, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


Your environment not only affects you, it is an extension of you. When you find your energy is dim, your drive is weak, or your will has wandered, it is time to recharge your chi. It is time for a decent dose of sunshine and fresh air. Bike, swim, run, walk, or just give yourself permission to BE outdoors. Learn why sacrificing yourself for work or family destroys your self-confidence when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you can't remember the last time you stepped away from the madding crowd, it is time to take yourself in hand and play hooky! The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #permissiontoplay #sunshine #freshair #outside #rechargeyourchi #restoreyourspirit #TrishaKeel

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Whomever sleeps furthest away from and deepest into the house, rules the roost. If that is not you but you pay the rent, put a photo of you and whomever else does pay the rent in the furthest, deepest corner, beyond where the little dictator sleeps. Your sovereignty and self-confidence will be immediately restored. Learn the details on this positioning when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When your child or in-law is running the household, you begin to question your authority - and with good reason. This is one Feng Shui cure that works like magic! The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #commandposition #sleepfurthestback #dictatordeposed #balancerestored #yourewelcome #TrishaKeel

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


If there are no images of yourself in your environment, then you can't "see yourself" in your home. No one else can either. Your self-esteem is so low you have intentionally erased your presence. Once I realized I "wasn't home," I framed this photo of me and it changed my entire self-perception. My self-confidence soared. Learn where to put photos of yourself so you "see yourself at home" when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you become invisible, it is YOU that has erased your presence. You'll need to revitalize your self-confidence to reappear. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #gotphotosofyou #seeyourselfathome #TrishaKeel

Friday, January 27, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Your opinion of your self-worth is mirrored in how you handle your financial details. If you're too busy to sort out the chaff from your wallet, then you're too busy to mind your money. Money goes to those who know how to honor her, to handle her, and not just to "make do" or mismanage her. Can you recite a precise list of what your wallet contains? Learn how your the organization of your wallet can mirror the organization of your mind when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you your wallet or purse in order, you also have your financial affairs in order. When you don't, well…you don't. Insist on a higher standard for yourself and your money and restore your financial self-confidence! The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #money #wallet #selfworth #getorganized #sortthechaff #honormoney #TrishaKeel

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


When you station yourself beneath heaviness over your head, the pressure you feel is self-generated. You put this here, and then you put yourself beneath it. Flip the desk around to face the room with your back to the wall and sit out from beneath the overhead pressure. What overhead pressures have you set up in your environment? Learn what is best to place in your overhead spaces when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you have support in your overhead spaces instead of self-generated pressures, your self-confidence returns as the self-betrayal stops. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #overheadpressures #heaviness #weightonyourshoulders #selfgeneratedstress #setyourselffree #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


Low self-confidence will quietly reveal itself in victim mentality. When you resent that you are the only one handling things in your life, or that no one else can handle it as well as you do, you have placed yourself in a pretty little imaginary cage that will de-spirit you, leaving a whiff of helplessness (de+spirit) that undermines your self-confidence. Who stands behind you and guides you? Learn how to create your personal Round Table of Respect when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you are guided by the hearts, minds, and experience of trusted mentors, you stand tall, knowing you are strong and capable. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #onlyme #youareneveralone #Benefactors #mentors #advisors #directors #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

There is a certain amount of pride and accomplishment that comes with washing your vehicle. No matter how old it is, no matter what you drive, it is yours, and it is an extension of you. Neglecting your belongings indicates a lack of self-confidence. Learn the benefits of taking care of your belongings when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you neglect yourself, you pretend that others don't see and then wonder why they distance themselves. Ever hear of "loser slime"? You can learn how to get it off and restore your shine. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #dirtyvehicle #washingyourcar #extensionofself #neglect #selfbetrayal #otherssee #TrishaKeel

Monday, January 23, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

There is a great measure of self-confidence that comes with knowing you know how to handle whatever comes in life. A vital life skill is knowing where to find knowledge you don't keep in the forefront of your brain. Having a personal library grounds you in wisdom. Learn where you want to set up your books to best support your life and affairs when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you have a personal library, you are wise enough to know where to find the answers you seek - which is the same thing as knowing the answer. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #knowledge #personallibrary #books #TrishaKeel

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


The quality of your life is reflected in the Center/Health gua of your environment. The heart of your home holds evidence of your beliefs about Nature, food, and nurturing your body. Explore ways to set the stage for happiness and well-being in the heart of your home when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


The Feng Shui in your home, office, and vehicle either supports or strains your self-confidence. When you appreciate your life, your body, and your home, there is an anchoring effect that grounds your confidence and esteem. The February Feng Shui Workshop of 2/12/23 focuses on supporting confidence in your life. Register for that workshop at


#fengshui #selfconfidence #qualityoflife #Centergua #taichi #Nature #nurture #happiness #wellbeing #anchor #ground #TrishaKeel