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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


Where you sleep affects you more than any other environment you step into. Whether or not you have a bed off the floor, a solid headboard, and a single-unit mattress and box spring results in whether or not you have visions of future possibilities, support for your protection and empowerment, and an intentional uninterrupted foundation for the future.


What about this bedroom? Learn how this will impact the person who lives here, as well as any guests she might invite. Yes - she sleeps alone unless she decides otherwise. Few will be invited. Fewer still will lay down. Kinda breathtaking, isn't it? What is in your bedroom that reveals your power? Subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons delivered directly to your mailbox so you never miss the fun -


#fengshui #dragonbed #blackroom #monotonepink #runscreaming #whataboutthatbabyonthepillows #TrishaKeel

Friday, December 30, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When you allow your vehicle to fill up with junk instead of friends and colleagues, you eliminate opportunities by your choices. Such clutter reveals your low self-esteem and minimal self-respect. Others see this. Those windows are transparent. You are teaching yourself a really rotten lesson. Your body will have something to "say" about that. Expect illness to evolve.


When an orderly environment is not a priority to you, you have chosen to hide amidst the chaos. When you prioritize the quality of your environment, you raise the frequencies of the life you choose to live. Where do you start? Subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons and learn how to spruce up your car and put sparkle back in your life.


#fengshui #carclutter #chokedchi #eliminateopportunities #lowselfesteem #illnessevolves #TrishaKeel

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


The laundry room, if you're well off enough to have one, is a revealer of your score for self-care. When the laundry room is a dumping ground for things you choose not to deal with, then there are reverberations of those delayed decisions echoing throughout your entire life. Look at your bathroom to start. While there, look in the mirror.


When you choose to prioritize everything else except your well-being, you betray yourself. Your body will tell you how it feels about this through the manifestation of disease. Your emotions will wobble and weaken. Your mind doubts everything you think - because your entire person knows you don't show it that you love it. Before you crash, take the time to tend to your laundry room…and yourself. Learn how to start when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


#fengshui #laundryroomoverload #betrayalofself #deferreddecisions #countdowntocrash #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


When you have so many things to do you can't put away one while you do another, your focus is scattered and your productivity is choked. Kinda like the space on this desk. If this person were to drop dead overnight, someone would come in and start at one corner and work their way through, untangling the threads of consciousness.


Learn to untangle your own threads of consciousness and maximize your productivity when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at Delivered directly to your email box, you always have the lessons to go through at your convenience, rather than worrying about what you missed in the constant scrolling of your thread.


#fengshui #deskclutter #chokedproductivity #scatteredfocus #untanglethreadsofconsciousness #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When all of your kitchen counter space is taken up with stuff, there is no working space to use to create meals. You will feel overwhelmed, unappreciated, and eventually resentful - even if you live alone and created this mess all by yourself. The questions are: In which gua have you created this mess? AND What are you gonna do about it?


Use the power of Feng Shui to regain control of your kitchen when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at You will receive the rest of this story, and the stories of every blog photo I post, delivered directly into your email box so you will never miss one that fades off in your feed. You will be amazed how little bits of knowledge can change your life!


#fengshui #kitchenclutter #overwhelment #whichgua #echoesthroughoutthehouse #fixit #TrishaKeel

Monday, December 26, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When there is so much going on around you your mind feels the chaos but can't focus on any one thing, it is time to do the math. All these books and the giant X in the ceiling add up to CRAZY BRAIN. This is a thing. When you have a crazy brain, thinking is not possible. What can you do? Feng Shui to the rescue!


Subscribe to the daily mini-lessons and receive the full explanation of these blog post teasers. Delivered daily directly to your email box, every day except Christmas day, you will never miss the Feng Shui wisdom being shared in your constantly scrolling feed. Subscribe today at


#fengshui #crazybrain #overwhelmingchaos #thinkingnotpossible #TrishaKeel

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


The energy of Metal is cold, reflective, and deep-diving. It seeks its mother-source, the energy of Earth, which creates it. This Christmas scene looks snow-covered. This woman is alone and is happy with her solitude. She is comfortable with herself and her home - comfortable enough to leave her slippers while she goes barefoot through her house.


Consider that the gold bowl of candles does nothing to add the flames of passion. Where is there evidence of her Divine Spark? If your Christmas scene feels cold, whether you celebrate alone or with others, consider ways to thaw the frozen ice in this or any environment when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


#fengshui #ChristmasTreeFrequencies #cold #frozen #lackoflifeblood #TrishaKeel

Friday, December 23, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

While a giant evergreen wreath and a fluid evergreen bough are going to smell really great in this room, no one is going to feel comfortable sitting beneath it. This is a classic situation of creating a position that is "Beneath the Tiger's Jaw." This time, since round is the shape of the Metal element, the position is literally beneath the White Tiger. It is quite lovely, it just needs to be hung outside that window.

With all the White Tiger energy in this room, the leather chair undermines the man of the house. Consider the energy reading of the relationship between the couple that lives here when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at This subscription is a GREAT GIFT IDEA for the Feng Shui aficionado in your life, especially if that person is you!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run


When the Christmas tree is positioned in the Benefactor and Travel gua, the balls tell a greater story than mere ornamentation. They are the globes of the world, and they resonate with the same sense of everlasting and infinite connections that are symbolized by the wreath. No beginning. No end. Always and forever. The many mirrors multiply the infinite messages.


With at least 8 flat mirrors and many mirrored ornaments, the reflectivity of White Tiger's Heavenly Metal energy moves into the Black Tortoise's Water. All the Celestials are present, but the predominant energy is purely supportive of the male head of household. Learn ways you can set up energy enhancement for the man of your house when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at Delivered directly to your email daily so you never miss any and can get to them at your own convenience and never worry about what you missed in the scrolling of the social media feeds.


#fengshui #ChristmasTreePosition #BenefactorsandTravel #maleheadofhousehold #HeavenlyMetalEnergy #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Take care with an overabundance of Fire elements in an A-frame structure, as only the fiery folks can tolerate the heat. Inside and out, this snowy scene is warm and earthy, but it is also distant and demanding. Royalty reigns here – make no mistake of relaxing in the quiet.


Beyond all the Fire, which is everywhere, what is it that you don't see? What secrets are revealed by Feng Shui that will never be spoken by a tongue? Subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons and learn to read environments when you are invited to new places. Delivered daily to your personal email every day except Christmas, the wisdom builds as you expand your basic understanding of the energies of environment and transfer that knowledge wherever you go. Subscriptions are a great gift for the Feng Shui aficionado in your life.


#fengshui #ChristmasTreePosition #FameandVision #RedPhoenixFire #GreenDragonWood #GoldenCicadaEarth #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Furniture does not have to line up around the perimeter of the room. Seating options in a conversational grouping should be close enough to hand something to each other without having to get up and cross the room. Anyone sitting in the far armchair is going to feel punished, like they are "put in the corner." The tree in the Children & Creativity gua enhances the support for the children. Move the chairs and coffee table closer to the sofa. Let folks skirt the tree for the holidays. Why not?


What happens when you activate the Heaven energy of the Metal element? Who benefits from this? Did you see how she also activated the Wealth gua energies? Subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons, delivered directly to your email so you can get to them when you have time - - A GREAT GIFT IDEA for the Feng Shui fan in your life!


#fengshui #ChristmasTreePosition #ChildrenandCreativity #conversationalgrouping #comecloser #TrishaKeel

Monday, December 19, 2022

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When having a solitary holiday, and wanting to spread the cheer, invite friends to join you. Activate the Relationship gua, back right area, with the tree, and scatter red, white, and lots of squares into the area. Pair as many things as possible. Set up the space for company. The candles on the floor are extremely dangerous and not good Feng Shui. Better to put those up on the mantel where they won't be accidentally kicked.


This person has single things and separate things, not pairings. It takes a mindset to partner up when you have been on your own. Consider ways to enhance the Relationship energies when you subscribe to the daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at


#fengshui, #ChristmasTreePosition #PartnershipEnhancement #Earthelement #SafetyFirst, #pairings, #TrishaKeel