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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Pristine environments resonate with the frequency of extreme control. Everything in this room is "just so." All the squares sing with Golden Cicada's Earth element. Mother Nature embraces chaos. This woman holds the reins tight!

Know what to expect when visiting such an environment when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #pristineenvironments #whiteonwhite #controlissues #TrishaKeel

Monday, August 30, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When there is a window larger than a door in the Wealth gua/back right area of a space, add a sizable living plant to the space. The weight of the soil will have enough mass to ground the chi flow. The plant will exude life force.

Consider ways to get your chi to pool instead of run away when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #chidrain #leakingWealth #cures #TrishaKeel

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Your laundry room doesn't have to be ugly, dark, or stinky. Look at which gua your laundry room is in. Is it one of your favorite spaces or do you dread it? Whichever it is, it's all on you. You are the one in charge of fixing it.

Start with harmonizing the Celestial Animals when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #laundrylocationinBagua #launderedmoney #quicksandrelationships #cure #CelestialAnimals #FiveElements #TrishaKeel

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

There is a difference between taxidermy and skeletons. Taxidermy uses the animal's skin only. The rest is artificial, but recreates the animal in life, but frozen. Skeletons are in the process of decay. Don't live with dead stuff.

Explore the hidden conflicts and energy gems in this space when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #gatorskull #hiddenfire #readtheroom #TrishaKeel

Friday, August 27, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The shade of green chosen to accent a place defines the energy frequency it brings. Apple adds Green Dragon's energy of new beginnings and infinite possibility. Spring smells different from Summer. It's a frequency. It's a choice.

Consider the choices made here when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #colorchoices #powerofpotential #welcomerelief #CelestialAnimals #happyharmony #TrishaKeel

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Open blinds to tilt at an upward angle. This sets the light to stream in like a smile. Turning blinds to open at a downward angle streams light in a frowning frequency, encouraging depression. Avoid setting them to be "dead level."

Explore the Feng Shui of light angles when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #lightangles #tiltblinds #lightslicers #poisonarrows #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

How many seconds did it take for you to be curious about the Strange Things corner? Notice the sign is red; so is the window frame beyond it. The orange couch is bright. The skylight pours in attractive sunshine. Red Phoenix Power!

Consider all the visionary additions to this yummy shop when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #RedPhoenixPower #fueltheflames #masterfulshopdesign #countthelightsources #StrangeThingsTickler #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The sweetest energy spot is found where the Green Dragon and White Tiger flank the Pearl of Infinite Wisdom. That manifests where there are 45° angles surround a spherical shape, matching the woman's vulva. Recreate the pattern!

Consider ways to start with those angles when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #GreenDragonWhiteTigerPearl #sweetestfengshui #TrishaKeel

Monday, August 23, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Sometimes you don't realize what you have staged in your space until you speak words that explain what is. Imagine explaining this: "Two window frames blanked by a wall so nothing is seen, with a wreath spanning their frames." WTF?

Consider how the blind dragon will affect this space when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #blankedwindows #nothingtoseehere #pointlesslyframedspace #speakthewordsaloud #whenthereisnomeaningitismeaningless #TrishaKeel

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Avoid sleeping or working with heavy things directly over your head, whether that be a wall, ceiling, shelving, cabinets, or whatever. No one will work beneath this bunk bed. They'll sit on the floor in the middle of the room first, leaning up against the side of the bed.

Make sure your kiddo is supported at college when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #bunkbeds #justbecauseyoucandoesntmeanyoushould #avoidheavinessoverhead #avoidbeingtoocloseottheceiling #TrishaKeel