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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

This famous staircase in Montemarte, Paris is wonderfully attractive. Consider that all the Celestial Animals are included in its energy field. The trees and the lamps help lift the energy up the long rise. Rails and stones ground the energy on the way down. Safe!

#fengshui #Montemarte #longsafestairs #CelestialSupport #TrishaKeel

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

While putting a bed in the corner protects you from two sides, it also prevents a partner from their ability to get in and out with ease. Do this only for children, teens, or folks not interested in sleeping with anyone else.

Consider when you might want to be in a corner when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #corneredbed #seekingsolaceandsecurity #sanityspace #TrishaKeel

Friday, October 29, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When there is an arcing top half of an octagon over the bed, sleepers are ensconced in the Feng Shui Sweet Spot known as Green Dragon White Tiger Playing with the Pearl. This is the best energy configuration you can have. Feel it?

Identify the elements of this energy set up and recreate if for yourself when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #GreenDragonWhiteTigerPlayingwiththePearl #SweetSpot #youcancreatethistoo #TrishaKeel

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When the head faces a different direction than the body itself, expect conflict between what the brain thinks and what the body experiences. The consciousness is a mirror to the physical environment. Misaligned, you'll find a mess.

Consider how this may be a situation for you at work and home when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #twisted #justbecauseyoucandoesntmeanyoushould #differentpointsofview #toldyousoattitude #aboveconflictswithbelow #outofalignment #becauseIamthebossthatswhy #notaslongasyouliveundermyroof #youdontwanttolivehere #TrishaKeel

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Flowers in the bedroom symbolize women. Photos in the bedroom should be only of you and your lover. Family and friends in the bedroom eliminate privacy needed for intimacy. This room is HERS. The hanging collar is a noose. Creepy!

Get the messages being sent here when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #flowersinbedroom #familyphotosinbedroom #roomforarelationship #pillowgang #TrishaKeel

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

The perfect retreat for someone with lots of Fire in them. They should sleep only with others who have lots of Fire as candles can light countless candles. If you're Air or Wood, Fire will consume you. If Metal, Fire will melt you.

Identify the many layers of Fire energy here when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #Aframe #FirePlace #FireFriendsOnly #TrishaKeel

Monday, October 25, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

This is an afghan throw that was mounted on the center right wall of a dentist's waiting room. This activated the Benefactor & Travel gua energies of networking and support. This home appreciation is appreciated by clients.

Consider how this enhances Heaven energy when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #artinablanket #neighborhoodinaview #openheartedappreciation #TrishaKeel

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When choosing a location for your elderly parents to finish out their days, don't select a place that is built completely above parking garages on a busy street with both a major train line and bayou beside it. This is just cruel.

Consider that this borders on premeditated murder when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #retirementliving #whatinTHEhellwereyouthinking #karmaknowsyouraddress #elderlyabuse #evenseniorsneedgoodfengshui #TrishaKeel

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

Should you walk into a sleeping space that has a mirror reflecting a doorway across a bed, realize that the chi bouncing across the mattress will keep you awake. Cover the mirror or take it down and you'll sleep much more soundly.

Learn more about mirrors in the bedroom when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #mirrorinbedroom #reflectingthebed #greatforBNBowner #notgreatforguests #oneraisedeyebrow #TrishaKeel

Friday, October 22, 2021

Feng Shui Fun On The Run

When the head of a bed is less than 3 feet from the bedroom door, the person sleeping in the bed is disempowered and subservient. They do as they are told and they don't ask questions. Those above or beyond them have the power.

Consider who sleeps where in your world when you subscribe to daily Feng Shui mini-lessons at

#fengshui #bedbydoor #chidrain #powerpositions #whereyousleepmatters #TrishaKeel