FengShuiFunOnTheRun.com: Whether the master bedroom is positioned over a garage or over a porte cochere, the pooling of the gathering chi is impossible. Put the bed as far back away from the open area underneath as possible, or mirror it to flip it to the opposite wall. This situation calls for the Feng Shui cure known as the Four Pillars of Heaven. Transcendental transformations are more powerful when supported by the Three Secrets Reinforcement. You'll need a trained Feng Shui professional for this, not just someone who read a book.
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I will continue presenting these Feng Shui mini-lessons for current subscribers until Mabon; the Autumn Equinox of September 23rd. All subscriptions will be cancelled on that day. If you cancel ahead of time, I will still send you the blog until the end, but I do appreciate your support between now and then.
Look for my books of these Feng Shui mini-lessons on my website at bit.ly/TKBooksCalendars - And look for my exciting and uplifting new Tomorrow's Key Coaching posts to come!
#fengshui #bedroomoverair #bedroomovergarage #nogatheringchi #FengShuicures #FourPillarsOfHeaven #ThreeSecretsReinforcement #FengShuprofessional #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel
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