FengShuiFunOnTheRun.com: I went to a funeral home to get started on my end of life preparations, talk about stuff, and find out what to expect. When I stepped into the place, it was as silent as a tomb. Literally so silent the lack of sound impacted me. It was not comfortable, and I was already a little nervous about the whole thing. I recommended he have some kind of soft music playing to raise the frequencies. Later, at the table, speaking with the man there, I commented on the gold cube of tissues that looked like a cremains container. It was too similar and there was no need to stress the fact of where I was. Seriously people, beauty belongs here, not redundancy. Finally, when I got up to leave, I saw a bowl of these candies, and said, "Oh cute! Look a bowl of haloes!" And the humor lightened the whole experience and all the frequencies. Laughter really is the best medicine!
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I will continue presenting these Feng Shui mini-lessons for current subscribers until Mabon; the Autumn Equinox of September 23rd. All subscriptions will be cancelled on that day. If you cancel ahead of time, I will still send you the blog until the end, but I do appreciate your support between now and then.
Look for my books of these Feng Shui mini-lessons on my website at bit.ly/TKBooksCalendars - And look for my exciting and uplifting new Tomorrow's Key Coaching posts to come!
#fengshui #lowlevelfrequencies #funeralhome #silentasatomb #cremainscontainer #bowlofhaloes #laughterisbestmedicine #FixMyFengShui #TrishaKeel
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